Thursday, May 04, 2006

Mission Injectable I

There's a fantastic mystery prize available for anyone who can guess just what on Earth I am trying to make in this picture...

It has taken all day today and will probably take most of tomorrow too. And that's only half of it...

So come on you suckers have a guess!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

By Jove!!!

It's an Infinite Improbability Drive!!!


4/5/06 10:22 pm  
Blogger Warsaw Crow said...

Ho Ho! You are actually almost right there Brendan! So you win the prize - of discovering what it really is...

...Some years from now mankind struggles to adapt fast enough to an increasingly hostile environment. An 'injectable solution' is developed to accelerate human adaptation/immunity through genetic modification. But as the end of my film will show this technology will -wait a second!- I shouldn't spoil the ending now should I???

So this shot is to show a machine loading genetically modified sperm into a syringe.

Now isn't that prize worth winning!

5/5/06 9:32 am  

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