Pooper-scooper Poland
In the last few days the first undiffused rays of spring sunlight have finally cajoled temperatures in Warsaw to rise above 0C. Almost all of the great fields of exhaust-blackened snow have finally melted away to reveal nothing less exultant...
...than a city engulfed with carefully preserved dog dirt. An entire winter's worth to be exact. On my evening flight around the neighbourhood I was just about to take my first breath of fresh spring air when turned into a paved avenue that runs through a children's play park. Last week it was sealed in a layer of compressed ice but now it has melted to reveal its dirty secret, a testament to artistic capabilities of the canine digestive system, for about eighty metres 'solid' it represents a pantheon of perfectly preserved doggie deposits.
As the path has no official name I propose to honour it with the title 'Dog Poo Avenue' (perhaps someone can help me with the Polish). A sign could even be erected - at kid height please. But who would sponsor it? "Pooper-scooper Polska" perhaps?
...than a city engulfed with carefully preserved dog dirt. An entire winter's worth to be exact. On my evening flight around the neighbourhood I was just about to take my first breath of fresh spring air when turned into a paved avenue that runs through a children's play park. Last week it was sealed in a layer of compressed ice but now it has melted to reveal its dirty secret, a testament to artistic capabilities of the canine digestive system, for about eighty metres 'solid' it represents a pantheon of perfectly preserved doggie deposits.
As the path has no official name I propose to honour it with the title 'Dog Poo Avenue' (perhaps someone can help me with the Polish). A sign could even be erected - at kid height please. But who would sponsor it? "Pooper-scooper Polska" perhaps?
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